
New Mexico has a generational opportunity to make major inroads toward transformational change on established water policies and processes that users, practitioners, and lawmakers all agree are not currently meeting the 21st century needs of New Mexicans who are under stress resulting from persistent drought, aging infrastructure, and other pressures. This opportunity stems from the convergence of urgent need, growing political will, and unprecedented levels of state and federal funding to address needed water management reform and infrastructure investments. New Mexico can advance policies and programs to address entrenched inequities in communities across the state that do not have the necessary resources and capacity to take full advantage of funding opportunities.

To help address these persistent and pervasive issues, the Office of the Governor authorized the State Engineer to form a Water Policy and Infrastructure Task Force (Water Task Force) of water and natural resources experts and scientists, senior state agency staff, and stakeholders from around New Mexico to tackle two objectives:

  1. Provide input and support to the 50-Year Water Plan, and
  2. Develop consensus recommendations to improve water policy and infrastructure

Task Force members will serve as ambassadors for each region offering information from constituents and the public regarding priorities of interest, as well as carry information and recommendations from the 50-Year Water Plan and Water Task Force back to their communities to support transformational change.

Review the Task Force Charter for more information about the mission, structure and process.

State of New Mexico Office of the State Engineer
Letter from Mike Hamman, State Engineer